Why is my beer slow to dispense or not dispensing at all?

Some of the reasons why this may be happening and also how to correct the fault are set out in the table below:

Possible Causes


the bar tap is set incorrectly

adjust the tap control that regulates the flow rate

the gas pressure too low

  • the most likely cause is that you have run out of gas

  • check the gas cylinder pressure gauge

  • if the cylinder is empty, change it for a full one of the same type

  • if the cylinder is not empty, there may be a fault with the gas pressure setting - contact your brewery

the keg is empty

  • check the keg and replace it if it is empty

  • check that the cellar buoy is reset correctly

there is a kink in the beer line

check the line and remove any kinks

There has been a change in demand due to increased beer sales

identify which gas is needed and contact BOC Sureserve to arrange a delivery