How often do I need to replace my gas equipment?

The British Compressed Gases Association's (BCGA) Code of Practice 7 (CP7 - the safe use of oxy-fuel gas equipment) and Code of Practice 47 (CP47 - The Safe Use of Individual Portable or Mobile Cylinder Gas Supply Equipment) that regulators and flashback arrestors are checked annually, both visually and functionally, by a competent person and replaced every five years.

Checks need to be undertaken by a person who has sufficient practical experience of oxy-fuel gas equipment and theoretical knowledge of the functioning of the equipment, the properties of gases used, the potential defects and hazards that may occur and their importance to the integrity and safety of the equipment.

To help you comply with the BCGA codes of practice and avoid the pitfalls associated with gas safety, BOC offer CP7 and CP47 checks which can be conducted on your site or at your local BOC Gas and Gear.