How can I ensure I use gas safely?

All users must know and understand the properties of the gas they are using and the correct operating procedures for the equipment being used with the gas. Users should always refer to the operating instructions for the equipment being used.

To minimise potential hazards the operator needs to know what product a cylinder contains and the primary means of identification is the cylinder label. The hazard of the gas may be confirmed by reference to the colour of the cylinder shoulder.

To make this easier for you, BOC supply Safety Data Sheets containing this information. We also offer a range of support services:

  • Safety Training Workshops: These provide hands-on training, essential for users of compressed gases and those who help shape safety policy within their organisation.

  • 10 safety tips to keep in mind when working with industrial gas cylinders: A blog with some great tips to ensure you’re handling, storing and transporting them as safely as possible.